Discover in advance the milestones that mark university life from enrolment to graduation. What is a study plan? What are educational rules? When are the exam sessions held? On this page we provide you with the basic information you need to start your journey within Politecnico!
International students
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Info for international students
The keywords of university life
The study plan is used to state how many courses, measured in ECTS (in Italy called ‘CFUs’, namely University Educational Credits), you intend to attend during each academic year, chosen from those proposed. In the first year, the study plan is predetermined and cannot be changed. From the second year onwards, however, you can include any optional exams in addition to the predetermined ones, from a minimum of 30 ECTS up to a maximum of 80 ECTS in one single year. A standard study plan envisages 60 ECTS per year.
Laurea and Laurea Magistrale programmes (equivalent to Bachelor of Science and Master of Science respectively) are governed by educational rules.
The educational rules of a study programme set its educational objectives, the subjects taught, their value in ECTS, the curricular courses offered, the didactics and the attendance obligation.
The academic year consists of two semesters, each comprising a period of lectures and exam sessions. The first semester starts in September and ends in February. The second semester starts at the end of February and runs until the beginning of June.
There are three exam sessions throughout the year: the first takes place between January and February, the second between June and July and the third between late August and September. Two exam dates are scheduled in the February session, two in the July session and one in the September session.
Many courses envisage progress tests, also known as 'partial exams'; exams are split into two parts: the first part of the course is followed and the chance for a progress test is given. If you succeed in passing it, you may sit the exam pertaining to the second part of the course at the end of the semester; if you fail it, you have to sit the exam on all the course.
The courses have theoretical content, are conducted in lectures and may include tutorials.
The workshops involve students carrying out project activities under the guidance of teachers and offer the opportunity to experiment with and use the tools, technologies and machinery useful for the project.
Teaching activities may start at 8.30am at the earliest and end at 6.30pm at the latest. As a rule, attendance at lectures is highly recommended, whereas it is compulsory in case of workshops. The educational rules of the different study programmes stipulate precisely which teaching activities are compulsory and which are not.
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Responsibility, respect, integrity, professionalism, fairness, trust and transparency are the founding values of the Politecnico. Every member of the community must work in accordance with these values, draw inspiration from them and feel responsible for promoting them.