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The Politecnico


Politecnico di Milano latest news


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Attosecond spectroscopy reveals secrets of electron movement in molecules

A study published in Nature Chemistry answers one of the most fascinating questions in chemistry

An ETS for the creation and management of C.E.R.S.

Politecnico di Milano among founding members of Solidale association

ReverseLab unveiled

A place for contemporary art bridging San Vittore prison and the city of Milan

Girls@Polimi 2024: 28 female engineering students honoured

Scholarships awarded to promote gender equal opportunities

See also


Press releases

All the releases for the press by Politecnico di Milano


Frontiere (copy 1)

Journey into the research of Politecnico di Milano


Progress in Research

Research on scientific development issues and frontier technology, defined by the European Commission as part of the Recovery Plan for recovery and the resilience of Europe.