What is it?
Born in 1979 in via Milazzo 9 with the name of Anteo MusiCineTeatro, Anteo was immediately a multipurpose space. Since 1981, arthouse films have been screened in original language, subtitled in Italian and in 2017 the cinema became Anteo Palazzo del Cinema, passing from 4 to 11 screens on 4 floors. A space in continuous evolution; a meeting place with a strong social value open from 10 am to 1 am. The public can access regardless of the film offer, to talk about cinema and more, to read a book or to eat, to see a film on-demand or to participate in a course on cinema professions.
What are the benefits?
Cinema Anteo offers Politecnico community:
- Tessera Amici del Cinema at the reduced price of 9,00 euros instead of 20,00 euros. You can use the card from the time of purchase until February 2026 and it allows you to:
- buy reduced tickets to enter all the screenings of Anteo cinemas, every day, including holiday – except for festivals and events with an organizer other than Anteo Spa
- have the AGIS card Vieni al Cinema/Vieni a Teatro;
- enjoy the benefits offered by other companies affiliated with Anteo for Tessera Amici del Cinema.
If you loose your card you won’t be able to have another one.
- entrance ticket at the reduced price of 4,50 euros. This discount is available in every Anteo cinema, at every time, on Tuesday (except for holidays) and on the first day of the movie release (usually Thursday), excepted on holiday.
The discounts are available in every Anteo Cinema: Milano (Anteo Palazzo del Cinema, Citylife Anteo, Ariosto Anteo spazioCinema); Monza (Capitol Anteo spazioCinema); Treviglio (Treviglio Anteo spazioCinema) e Cremona (Anteo spazioCinema Cremona Po).
How does it work?
To enjoy the benefits dedicated to Polimi community you have to show your university badge at the ticket office when you buy the ticket.
For information on discounts and shows: organizzazione@spaziocinema.info o 02 43912769 - int. 1
For information on the agreement: communitylife@polimi.it