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Buddy Project

A.Y. 2024/2025 - First semester

Starting from the academic year 2015-2016, Politecnico di Milano has implemented a Buddy Project: this foresees a match between new international students and students who are already enrolled, who will assist new students in the phase prior to their arrival and in the first few months after their arrival.
The first months are the most challenging for someone who comes from a far-away country and needs to adapt not only to a new academic environment but to a culture and traditions often distant from his/her own.

A warm welcome can make the difference!

If you want to give a hand and help a new international student in overcoming the same difficulties you’ve faced in arriving at Politecnico, you can apply to become a Buddy, a companion who will be an important reference before and during the first adaption period.


Lukas, Conor, Manuel, and Emma

Life as a Buddy

Manuel Mevio talks about his experience as a Buddy

What a buddy does

  • He/she contacts the students whom he/she is matched before and after their arrival
  • He/she participates in cultural events and activities organized at Politecnico, addressed to buddies and new students
  • He/she helps new students become familiar with the campus and its facilities
  • He/she facilitates the understanding of the didactic organization: structure of the academic year, lectures, exams
  • He/she helps students get to know the city and its opportunities
  • He/she is willing to give a hand for any generic issue
  • He/she addresses the student to the offices competent for specific issues
  • He/she is willing to dedicate at least one hour a week to meet the new students whom he/she will be entrusted


Why become a buddy?

  • You will get to know different cultures of the world without moving away from home
  • You will make new friends
  • You will improve your English language knowledge and be able to practice other foreign languages
  • You’ll develop skills and contacts which will turn out to be useful in the job market

My open badge for buddy

Students who have carried out the activity of Buddy during the semester of reference, will be able to obtain an Open Badge: an electronic certification, internationally recognized, that certifies the skills acquired during the Buddy activities. 

Requirements for the Open Badge

In order to obtain the Badge you will need to complete at least 4 of the following activities:

  • participation in the training day
  • participation in at least one of the events organized by the University for the Project
  • organization of activities together with your international student outside the university (e.g.: aperitifs, visits, trips, etc..)
  • assistance to the international student through telematic channels (e.g.: e-mail, whatsApp, other channels through which the exchange of information can be proved)
  • completion of the final questionnaire
  • collaboration with the office in organizing an event (if support is requested)
  • airport pick-up of your international student
  • positive feedback from the international student through a questionnaire that will be provided at the end of the semester project

The Community Life and Merchandising office will take note of all the presences during the activities organized by the University. For those activities carried out independently, you will be asked to upload the related documents through a form provided after the selection.

To find out more information about the My Open Badge you can check this website.

New: Diploma supplement

Students who have been awarded the Open Badge (requirements are outlined in the previous paragraph) will also have their Buddy activity recognized on the Diploma Supplement.

The Diploma Supplement, or DS, is a document that complements the official qualification awarded upon completion of a study programme at a university or higher education institution. The DS describes the nature, level, framework, content and status of the studies undertaken and completed by the student following the eight-point model, developed on the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO's initiative.

Who can apply?

Students enrolled for the a.y. 2023/2024 at Politecnico di Milano to a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme who intend to register also for the a.y. 2024/2025.

Students who can request a Buddy are the Exchange students and new international students admitted to a Master of Science program for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024.

Remember! A Buddy must be motivated and available, friendly and patient!

When to apply

Firts call June 2024

Application opens from 13th June to 11th July 2024.
You will receive the outcome of your application starting from 19th July 2024, by e-mail.


Second call September 2024

Application opens from 2nd to 11th September 2024.
You will receive the outcome of your application starting from 23rd September 2024, by e-mail.

We decided to extend the opportunity to apply for the Buddy Project in order to allow also international Bachelor Degree students, who will be admitted in September, Master of Science and Exchange International students, who did not have the possibility to apply in the July call, to request a Buddy.

How to apply?

Enter the online services and fill in your application by accessing the option:

Selection procedures > Domanda per diventare un Buddy – I want to be a Buddy.

You just need to fill out the information regarding personal data, known languages and hobbies; no bank information is required, the project is free of charge.

Before sending your application, please read the Buddy Memorandum carefully.


The project lasts five months.


It is not required a special training, the Community Life and Merchandising Unit will support you in achieving the necessary skills that will help you to play the role of Buddy in the best way.

The staff will organize a training day online in order to explain you how the Project works and to answer all your questions and will send you by e-mail some information material.

You will be also invited to take part in meetings, games and events in which you will strengthen your relationship with the students whom you will be entrusted.

How students are matched

Buddy will be matched with new international students solely on the basis of the attendance to the same study programme, known languages and of personal interests, which will be revealed through the registration form.

The possibility of finding a match for all the students who have applied to be or to have a Buddy is not guaranteed, as it depends on the number of candidates/applicants. In case of extremely uneven numbers of candidates/applicants, matching priority will be given to those who have applied first.

According to the number of applicants, Buddy will be matched with one or two international students.


The project is coordinated by Community Life and Merchandising Unit
Politecnico di Milano