- Docente responsabile
- CCS proponenti
- Ingegneria Aerospaziale
- 2
- Ore in presenza
- 40
- Prerequisiti
- Required skills, at least basic, in one or more of the following areas: - astrodynamics - attitude mechanics for satellites - thermodynamics and heat transfer - telecommunications - structures and mechanisms- space propulsion basics - basic electronics (by user) - basic computer programming Knowledge of at least one of the following software: - matlab\simulink - CAD software - pre\post processing and structural analysis software (basics)
- N° max studenti
- 22
- Criteri di selezione
- - number of exams to be taken with respect to the study plan and the semester
-distribution of a percentage of 80% of specialist degree students in the group
-distribution in the group of a percentage greater than 50% of MSc in Space Engineering students
- number of courses taken in the semester the PIA occurs - Parole chiave:
- Numerical modeling, concurrent ENgineering, science from space, space mission & system design
- Tag
- Aerospace, Engineering, Science, Software
Descrizione dell'iniziativa
The Concurrent Engineering Challenge (https://www.esa.int/Education/ESA_Academy/Concurrent_Engineering_Challenge_2025_Applications_Open_to_Universities) is proposed by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of its program for future technical personnel training; among applicant Academies, ESA selects 3 of them - belonging to the Member States - to lead 3 groups
of students, in mimicking the work ESA usually performs whenever facing the feasibility assessment of a new space mission; the Challenge sees its third edition and aims introducing fresh engineers to the universally adopted working methodology in the Space domain. The Concurrent Engineering Challenge occurs in 5 full-day work run in group, to finalize a a space mission design. Four groups of up to 25 university students are selected: each group works simultaneously in 4 different European locations, this year represented by: Cranfield University (UK), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)and ESA Academy facility (Belgium). The design goes through each technical discipline of the on board devices and a strong team working to ensure mission goals and system feasibility to be respected. Each day every team steps forward in the design at its premise; at the end of the day a telecom session occurs to compare and share resultsissues with the other three teams remotely located. Through this Challenge, students learn to work in a multidisciplinary environment and complement what they are learning at University by familiarising themselves with the concurrent engineering approach and its benefits in space systems design, and also learn how ESA assesses technical and financial feasibility of space missions. They also
strengthen their capability to work in team; the challenge ends up with a final presentation which enforces the partecipants to enhance their soft skills as well, to clearly and exhaustively present their work.
Periodo di svolgimento
dal April 2025 a April 2025
inizio lunedi 7 aprile 2025 08:30
termine venerdi 11 aprile 2025 18:30
orario giornaliero: 8:30-18:00