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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 05-03-2025 to hour 12:00 on 12-03-2025
Enrollment open
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Language: ITALIAN
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tech and society
Seminars Mentorship Frontal teaching Podcast
Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Ore in presenza
Base knowledge of aerospace engineering or space science or space economy
N° max studenti
Criteri di selezione
Mark average
Parole chiave:
space economy, space mission & system design, space technology, tech communication
Aerospace, Communication and presentation skills, Economy

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

Today we are living in a phase of space renaissance in which the programs to return to the Moon by the West and China/Russia to establish a permanent base represents only the tip of the iceberg of an activity that includes from launchers to activities in Earth orbit and those relating to cislunar space which includes the area beyond the Moon including the Lagrange points. This new reality has a civil and military dimension, follows a different logic from the past with the involvement of public and private resources and has also given rise to the Space Economy that characterizes the new millennium. It concerns all areas of technological innovation: from carriers to the construction of satellite constellations for telecommunications and observation, energy generation, to vehicle management autonomy systems.The lunar settlement which has scientific and applicative purposes allows the development of technologies that guarantee the autonomy and life of astronauts on another celestial body, thinking about the next step towards Mars. The increase in activities and interests of an increasingly significant number of nations imposes the need to review the United Nations treaties aimed at space because they are partly outdated but also the drafting of national laws aimed at this purpose. This is also necessary because the crowding of space poses a condition to be managed both technologically and legally. The Moon itself is a new territory where the interests of a significant number of nations can be reconciled.

Goal:  The objective of this Passion in Action course is to describe the areas of development of space activities today and the strategies at an international level, considering technological development and political and economic investment choices. Soft skills: journalism/communication pills, how to talk about these topics to a general audience. The technical program will be interspersed with an analysis of the elements useful for communication. Through the lessons, students will be guided in the creation of a Podcast on the technical-scientific topics of the course. The final result of the course will be a Podcast created in groups which will be reviewed and evaluated. The selected Podcasts will then be published via the Department's communication channels and on the website of the Italian Union of Scientific Journalists.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal March 2025 a May 2025


17 Marzo 2025 12:15-14:15
18 Marzo 2025 12:15-14:15
03 Aprile 2025 12:15-14:15
17 Aprile 2025 12:15-14:15
29 Aprile 2025 12:15-14:15
15 Maggio 2025 12:15-14:15
22 Maggio 2025 12:15-14:15
29 Maggio 2025 12:15-14:15


Each lesson will focus on a specific space-related topic and provide a different aspect of technological communication as follows:

  • Return to the Moon and control of cislunar space
  • Content related to communication: How to search for and evaluate reliable and relevant information.
  • Energy in space and from space
  • Contents relating to communication: How to define take "home messages" and recipients of the message.
  • Privatization of space
  • Contents relating to communication: How to create schemes and define the salient points of a speech in a communicative way.
  • Access to space
  • Contents related to communication: Tips on writing a scientific text for communication to a large audience.
  • Space traffic management and Space law
  • Contents related to communication: Importance of images and graphitization (infographic).
  • Emerging countries: different interests and objectives described in detail
  • Contents related to communication: How to prepare a Podcast.
  • Project Feedback: Podcast
  • Project evaluation: Podcast