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Scores and rankings

Academic year 2024/2025

Once the TOLD tests have been completed, separate rankingswill be published:

  • to access programmes in Italian (for those who took the test in Italian)
  • to access the Interaction Design programmes in English (for those who took the test in English).

Scoring and assigning an English OFA

You will only appear in the ranking if you have achieved a score equal to or higher than the minimum threshold and you have answered a minimum number of questions correctly for each section of the test.

The minimum score threshold is:


The minimum number of correct answers is:

General Culture5
Geometry and Rapresentation2
History of Art and Design2
Verbal Comprehension1

No minimum number of answers is required for English language section.

Students who do not achieve the minimum number of correct answers in any single section will be excluded from the ranking.

How the score is calculated

The score is calculated by awarding:

For each correct answer1 point
For every answer not given0 point
For every wrong answer-0,25 point

and assigning a different weight to each section of the test.

The Weighted Total Score (weighted Ptot) is the sum of the weighted individual scores. The maximum score achievable in the TOLD held in Italian is 100.00,  whereas the maximum score achievable in the TOLD held in English is 90.00 : both will be calculated rounded to the nearest second decimal place. The weighted Ptot Score will be the one used to formulate the admission rankings.

If you would like to know the criteria for calculating your final test score in detail, please refer to Art. 6 of the Call for admission.

Assigning the English OFA

The result of your test and the assignment of any English OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) will be visible in your Online Services within 15 working days from the date of you took the test. You will receive an e-mail informing you of the publication.

Those who have taken the TOLD in Italian will be assigned an OFA in English when, taking into account only the English section, they gave a number of correct answers fewer than 24.
For those who have taken the TOLD in English, OFA additional educational obligations in English are awarded automatically. Even if passed, the English TENG section of the test is insufficient to certify the required level of knowledge. You can recover your English OFA after enrolment by submitting one of the certifications shown in the tabale on the students’ page for the English-language Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes to the Registrar’s Office.
Go to  > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or receovery tests and enrolment > Test results and enrolment.

How the ranking work

The placement of the candidates in the ranking is established on the basis of their scores, the places available for each test session and the order of preferences expressed.

In case of a tie in scores, the score obtained in the following sections prevails, in descending order: Geometry and Representation, Verbal Comprehension, History of Design, History of Art, Reasoning and General Culture. Finally, in the event of a further tie, the youngest student prevails.

In the ranking, students are identified by their 'External Student' identification number. To find out your External Student identification number, log in to Online Services and use the link in the top right-hand corner 'Cambia matricola / carriera' (Change Student ID Number/Career).


After the tests have been completed, the rankings will be published and you will be able assigned to a specific programme if you have one of the following outcomes:

ASSIGNED: if you are placed on your preferred programme with places still available > you must enrol 
If you do not enrol by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded. 
RESERVED:  if you are placed on a programme that is not your first preferences but still has places available  > you can enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking 
If you do not enrol or express your interest to be considered in the following ranking by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded.
PENDING: if you are not placed on any of the programmes you have indicated a preference for because the available places are already allocated or booked in the published ranking > you cannot enrol but you can express your interest in being considered in the next ranking 
If you do not enrol or express your interest to be considered in the following ranking by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded
PROGRAMME FULL: you cannot enter Politecnico di Milano because the programmes you stated a preference for no longer have places available for the  2024/2025 academic year.

How do I express my interest to be considered in the following ranking:
Go to Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment and click on "Registration in the Rankings and Change of Preference"

1° ranking27 May 2024
2° ranking3 June 2024
3° ranking10 June 2024
4° ranking17 JUne 2024
5° ranking24 June 2024

You have to meet the deadlines for each ranking list for enrolment or for requesting to be considered in the next ranking list or you will be considered officially excluded.

For more detail visit the page When and How to enrol

Once the TOLD tests have been completed, separate rankings will be published:

to access programmes in Italian (for those who took the test in Italian)
to access the Interaction Design programmes in English (for those who took the test in English).

Scoring and assigning an English OFA 

You will only appear in the ranking if you have achieved a score equal to or higher than the minimum threshold and you have answered a minimum number of questions correctly for each section of the test.

The minimum threshold is:

TOLD IN ITALIAN: 20.00/100

To access Diritto alla Studio "financial benefits" refer to the DSU Call and watch out for the deadlines and requirements.

The minimum number of correct answers is:

General Culture5
Geometry and Representation2
History of Art and Design2
Verbal Comprehension1

No minimum number of answers is required for English language section.

Students who do not achieve the minimum number of correct answers in any single section will be excluded from the ranking.

The result of your test and the assignment of any English OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) will be visible in your Online Services the day after you took the test. You will receive an e-mail informing you of the publication.

  • Those who have taken the TOLD in Italian will be assigned an English OFA when, taking into account only the English section, they gave a number of correct answers fewer than 24.
  • For those who have taken the TOLD in English, OFA additional educational obligations in English are awarded automatically. You can recover your English OFA after enrolment by submitting one of the certifications shown in the tabale on the students’ page for the English-language Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes to the Registrar’s Office.

Go to  > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or receovery tests and enrolment > Test results and enrolment.

How the rankings work

The placement of the candidates in the ranking is established on the basis of their scores, the places available for each test session and the order of preferences expressed.

In case of a tie in scores, the score obtained in the following sections prevails, in descending order: Geometry and Representation, Verbal Comprehension, History of Design, History of Art, Reasoning and General Culture. Finally, in the event of a further tie, the youngest student prevails.

In the ranking, students are identified by their 'External Student' identification number. To find out your External Student identification number, log in to Online Services and use the link in the top right-hand corner 'Cambia matricola / carriera' (Change Student ID Number/Career).


After the tests have been completed, the rankings will be published and you will be able assigned to a specific programme if you have one of the following outcomes:

ASSIGNED: if you are placed on your preferred programme with places still available > you must enrol 
If you do not enrol by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded. 
RESERVED:  if you are placed on a programme that is not your first preferences but still has places available  > you can enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking 
If you do not enrol or express your interest to be considered in the following ranking by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded.
PENDING: if you are not placed on any of the programmes you have indicated a preference for because the available places are already allocated or booked in the published ranking > you cannot enrol but you can express your interest in being considered in the next ranking 
If you do not enrol or express your interest to be considered in the following ranking by the deadlines, you will be considered officially excluded
PROGRAMME FULL: you cannot enter Politecnico di Milano because the programmes you stated a preference for no longer have places available for the  2024/2025 academic year.

How do I express my interest to be considered in the following ranking:
Go to Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment and click on "Registration in the Rankings and Change of Preference"

List of ranking publication dates

First ranking5 September 2024
Second ranking11 September 2024

You have to meet the deadlines for each ranking list for enrolment or for requesting to be considered in the next ranking list or you will be considered to have withdrawn.
For more details see: