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What the test consists of and how to prepare

Academic year 2024/2025

What the test consists of

The TOLD is carried out IN PERSON and will take place in Politecnico's computer rooms. 

The TOLD in ITALIAN consists of 90 multiple-choice questions, to be answered in 1 hour and 25 minutes (85 minutes) and consists of two parts:

  • TEST: to test your knowledge of general culture; geometry and representation, design and art history, reasoning and your verbal comprehension skills
  • TENG (Test of English): to test your knowledge of the English language

The TOLD in ENGLISH consists of 60 multiple-choice questionsto be answered in 1 hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes) and consists of the TESTsection only.

The questions are formulated by taking into account upper secondary schools’ ministerial curricula.

The subjects covered by the entrance test are described below.


    This part aims to test knowledge of the fundamentals of analytical geometry and Euclidean geometry, the ability to solve abstract cases or problems whose solution requires different types of logical reasoning. In addition, the test measures the ability to analyse graphs, drawings and symbolic representations or terms of correspondence in relation to the presented object and the ability to master basic notions relating to visual representation.
    This section tests abstract reasoning skills through problems presented in verbal or symbolic form. Solving the questions requires the ability to work with sets; to recognise hypotheses and theses of a statement and whether a given condition is necessary or sufficient; to analyse the correctness of a statement by identifying possible errors in reasoning.
    The questions deal with non-fiction and fiction texts, or texts published in newspapers or magazines of all kinds, and are aimed at testing the level of linguistic competence and the ability to construct reasoning consistent with the premises stated in the proposed passages.
    The questions in this section test knowledge about events and leading figures of significant historical importance in every era and every part of the world, and also tests the ability to orient chronologically with respect to different era. The questions also cover the evolution of artistic manifestations from ancient history to the present day, and the history of industrial design, with its characters, products and specific events.The questions cover various areas of disciplinary knowledge, which are the subject of study in all school curricula; in addition, the questions are designed to test general knowledge relating to historical, technological, scientific, political and social contemporaneity.
    The questions cover various areas of disciplinary knowledge, which are the subject of study in all school curricula; in addition, the questions are designed to test general knowledge relating to historical, technological, scientific, political and social contemporaneity. 


    The questions are aimed at testing comprehension of texts written mainly in everyday language, such as descriptions of events, feelings, desires.

The Politecnico di Milano requires students to be proficient in English.

If you register for a TOLD in Italian, you must take the TENG English test even if you already hold external certifications attesting your English language skills. The English (TENG) section contributes to the TOLD test score for ranking purposes. If you do not pass the TENG, i.e. if you answers correctly less than 24 questions out of 30, you will be assigned an OFA, i.e., an Additional Training Obligation (Obbligo Formativo Aggiuntivo) which will limit your academic career and which you will have to withdraw after you have registered.

MOOCS and demo

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free online courses, open to all and free to attend.

These courses are particularly useful to help you to consolidate the basic knowledge that will be assessed by the test. To join, simply register on the website.

Each module includes lectures, tutorials and self-assessment quizzes.

To prepare for the design test the courses  “Introduzione alla storia del design” and "Geometria e Rappresentazione per il Design" are available.

The 8-hour course aims to show the evolution of design throughout modern history, in close connection to historical and geographical contexts and in consideration of the major changes and technological advancements that have supported new functional needs and strong aesthetic influences.

DOL-ONLINE Design test demo

When you take the test, you will have set times to answer the questions in each section. You can familiarise yourself with this method by practising with the DOL (online demo), a shortened version of the Design Test; the DOL allows you to practise before taking the actual test.

Go to the DOL-Design Test page

How the test is carried out in presence

The Design Test will take place at Politecnico's computer rooms using personal computers.

To take the TOLD and access the computers in the test classroom, you need to know :

  • Your PERSONAL CODE, an 8-digit number you receive at the end of your registration to Online Services to the e-mail address you provided for the password recovery function.
  • the PASSWORD you have chosen and set.

If you want to verify that your credentials are correct before you get to the test classroom, go to the DesignTOL – University IT services ( page

To recover your data, go to the Online Services, click on 'Assistenza e Informazioni' (Assistance and Information) and then on Recupero credenziali Polimi (codice persona e password) (Recovery of Polimi credentials (personal code and password))

You will have to show up at the test classroom on the day and at the time indicated on the registration receipt.
We recommend that you double check the information, as it will not be possible to admit candidates to classrooms or at dates and times other than those on the registration receipt.
Also remember to have your personal code and password handy.

To be admitted to sit the Design Test, you will have to show a valid photo ID (ID card, driving licence, passport).
The Classroom Manager will not be able to admit those who turn up without an identity document, except in extenuating circumstances that are reasonably justified.

Finally, we recommend that you bring your registration receipt with you in order to double check the date, time and room where the test will be held.

Here the Test TOLD Guide 2024

A registered candidate who does not show up is considered absent and the test is considered equivalent to taking it for the purposes of repeatability.