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How to register for the TOL

Academic year 2024/2025

1. Register on the Online Services

Before registering for the test, you must register on the Online Services and click on the “Register” link.
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen: it's a simple and intuitive procedure.

  • keep your tax code handy
  • to access the Online Services, a Public Digital Identity System (SPID) or electronic identity card (CIE) and the activation of two-factor authentication (2FA) are required. You will need your university credentials (personal code and password) in order to access the test

For further information:
- Instructions on how to register and receive assistance on the page: Welcome kit and registration
- Download the guide 

2. Registration for the entrance test

Select day and time you want to take the test: for each date you can see in real time if there are still available places.

Please also enter the following information:

  • Information about your upper secondary school and your final mark (if obtained); if you do not find the name of your school in our list, select 'altro Istituto’ (Other School) and type the full name of the school in the appropriate field
  • details of your identity document, which must be the same as the one you will present to the Board on the day you sit the test
  • the study programme(s) in which you intend to enrol.

If you are registering for a STANDARD TOL test, you may indicate up to a maximum of 5 programme options, which will be binding for your enrolment and the creation of rankings. You can add and/or change preferences by going into the application with which you registered until 11:59 (CEST) on 20 June 2024.

If you are registering for an EARLY TOL test as a candidate who will graduate in the 2024/2025 school year, you only have to enter one non-binding preference, which you will be able to change when you enrol in the 2025/2026 academic year.

Pay the €30,00 registration fee.

Payment methods accepted:

  • IMMEDIATE PAYMENT with credit card or prepaid card (pagoPA form 1)
    Please note: once you have made your payment, only if you exceed the time allowed to complete the payment and registration process, you may need to re-enter the application to complete and confirm your registration for the test.
  • DEFERRED PAYMENT via home banking or from accredited Payment Service Providers (pagoPA form 3)

Please note: once you have made the payment using the method of your choice, you must re-enter the application to complete and confirm your registration for the test. If you do not enter and complete the registration, payment alone will not allow you to take the test
Please note: payment of the entrance test alone does not mean you are registered for the test.
To ensure that you have correctly registered for the test, at the end of the process, the time, day and room where you should report to will appear on screen, and you will be able to print out the test registration receipt. In addition, upon re-entering the application you will see the “Registration Receipt” link.

If you have only paid for the entrance test and have not completed the registration process, you can re-enter the test registration application on Online Services by clicking on 'Lauree triennali e a ciclo unico: test di ingresso o di recupero ed immatricolazione' (Three-year and single-cycle Laurea programmes: admission or catch-up tests and enrolment)’ and selecting 'Iscrizione al Test' (Test Registration), then choose the test you want to sit and a date with available places: you will not be asked to make the payment again. Complete the registration until you get to the summary screen showing the time and day of your test.

If you lose your registration receipt, you can get another issue by accessing Online Services and clicking on the link “Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment” and select “Test Registration”. On this receipt you will find a summary of: your identification code, the date and time of the test to which you have been assigned.

The test fee cannot be refunded.

If you are a student with a disability or dyslexia, you can report this directly during the test registration process.

1. Register on the Online Services

Before registering for the test, you must register on the Online Services and click on the “Register” link.
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen: it's a simple and intuitive procedure.

For further information:
- Instructions on how to register and receive assistance on the page: Welcome kit and registration
- Download the guide

2. Registration for the entrance test

With your personal code and password (received during the registration process) you can access the Online Services. Click on the link “Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment” > “Test Registration”.

Select the only test session available: 10 July 2024

Please also enter the following information:

  • Information relating to your secondary school and your final grade, if obtained; if you do not find the name of your school in our list, select "other Institute" and type the full name of the school in the appropriate field
  • details of your passport, which must be the same as the one you will show to the Board on the day you take the test
  • the study programme(s) in which you intend to enrol.
    You may indicate up to a maximum of 5 programme options which will be binding for the enrolment at Politecnico. You can change the order of your preferences by re-entering the same application you used to register for your chosen test by 11:59 (CET) of 31 May 2024.

Pay the €30,00 registration fee.

Payment methods accepted:

  • IMMEDIATE PAYMENT with credit card or prepaid card (pagoPA form 1)
    Please note: once you have made your payment, only if you exceed the time allowed to complete the payment and registration process you may need to re-enter the application to complete and confirm your registration for the test.
  • DEFERRED PAYMENT via home banking or from accredited Payment Service Providers (pagoPA form 3)
    Please note: once you have made the payment using the method of your choice, you must re-enter the application to complete and confirm your registration for the test. If you do not enter and complete the registration, payment alone will not allow you to take the test

Please note: payment of the entrance test alone does not mean you are registered for the test.
To make sure that you have correctly registered for the test, at the end of the procedure the time, day and room where you should report to will appear on the screen, and you will be able to print out the test registration receipt. In addition, upon re-entering the application you will see the “Registration Receipt” link.

If you have only paid for the entrance test and have not completed the registration process, you can re-enter the test registration application on Online Services by clicking on 'Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or receovery tests and enrolment’ and selecting 'Test Registration, then choose the test you want to sit: you will not be asked to make the payment again. Complete the registration until you get to the summary screen showing the time and day of your test.

If you lose your enrolment receipt, you can get another issue by accessing Online Services and clicking on the link “Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment” and select “Test Registration”. On this receipt you will find a summary of: your identification code, the date and time of the test to which you have been assigned.

The test fee cannot be refunded.

If you are a student with a disability or dyslexia, you can report this directly during the test registration process.

Student Visa application

To apply for a student visa, international candidates wishing to access a programme at Politecnico di Milano must register on the website and fill in the visa application at the following page: a date to be defined.

Politecnico di Milano will confirm the name to the relevant Italian Diplomatic Mission through the Universitaly platform only for candidates who have passed the entrance test and can complete the enrolment process. Students who are denied a visa or who do not apply within the deadline will not be able to continue their studies.

Attention! In order to take part in the TOL 2024 entrance test, Politecnico di Milano will confirm the name to the relevant Italian Diplomatic Representation through the UNIVERSITALY platform only to candidates regularly enrolled in the test who have demonstrated adequate proficiency in the Italian language (the deadline for demonstrating proficiency in Italian will be published soon).