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Scores and rankings

Academic year 2025/2026

The maximum score you can achieve is 100 and is expressed to the second decimal place.

To enter the ranking, in the TOL you sit in the year 2025 you must achieve a minimum score , rounded to the nearest integer, equal or higher than 30/100.

Scoring and assigning of an English OFA

The score is calculated automatically by awarding:

  • 1 point for every correct answer
  • -0.25 points for every incorrect answer
  • 0 points for every answer not given

and awarding

  • 1/3 weighting to each English question
  • 2.6 weighting to each Reasoning, Mathematics and Statistics question
  • 3 weighting to each Verbal Comprehension question
  • 2 weighting to each Physics question

If you would like to know the criteria for calculating your final test score in detail, please refer to Art. 2.5 of the Call for Admissions.

The outcome of your test and the assignment of any OFA (Additional Educational Obligations)will be visible in your Online Services within 15 working days from the date on which you took the test. You will receive an e-mail informing you of the publication.

Go to Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment > Test result and enrolment.
Click on the date you took the test to find out the score details.

English OFA

An English OFA (Additional Educational Obligations) is assigned when, taking into account only the English section, the number of correct answers is less than 24.

Candidates enrolling in programmes delivered in English will automatically be assigned an English OFA.

There are some limitations for the study plan of enrolling students who have been assigned an English OFA.

For more information and how to fulfil English OFAs see the page OFA ENG.

How the rankings work

Following the first enrolment phase for access to the second, third and fourth enrolment phases, special rankings will be drawn up for allocating the available places, calculated on the basis of enrolments made in the previous phases.

The rankings are based on the best TOL and TOLC-I (CISIA) scores converted, considered to the second decimal place, and recorded within the deadlines , and on the basis of the preferences expressed by all candidates.

The ranking of candidates is established on the basis of their scores, the places available for each enrolment phase and the order of preferences expressed.

In case of a tie in test scores, the highest score achieved in the "Reasoning, Mathematics and Statistics" section of the TOL / TOLC-I tests prevails; if the tie still persists, the highest score achieved in the "Verbal Comprehension" section prevails; in the case of a further tie, the highest score achieved in the "Physics" section prevails; finally, in the event of a further tie, the youngest student prevails. 

Italian OFA

If you are an international student enrolled in the Three-year Laurea programme (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering - EN,  you must sit an Italian proficiency test and you will be enrolled with an Italian OFA.

You must demonstrate your Italian language proficiency before sitting your final degree exam and finishing your study programme.
Certain categories of students may be exempted from demonstrating their proficiency in Italian.

For more information go to the Italian OFA page.


In each ranking, you may be assigned to a specific programme as follows:  

you are eligible foryour first preferred programme and there are still places available in it > you must enrol.
If you do not enrol in accordance with the prescribed procedure, you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases.

you are eligible fora programme that is not your first preference and still has places available > you may enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking within the deadline and in accordance with the prescribed procedure, you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases.

you are not eligible for any of your preferred programmes as according to the published ranking, all places available in these programmes have already been assigned to or reserved for other candidates >you cannot enrol and you can express your interest in being considered in the next ranking. If you do not express your interest in being considered in the next ranking within the deadline and in accordance with the prescribed procedure, you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases.

you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in any subsequent phases but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases.

Taking into account the order of the preferences expressed and the score obtained by the candidate, his/her ranking positions will not be processed with regard to the preferences following the one for which he/she is eligible for enrolment. 

Enrolment phases

For enrolment in Engineering, there are four separate enrolment phases.

Publication date of rankings

FIRST PHASE: EARLY ENROLMENT: without rankingyou can enrol  from 5 May to 12 June 2025
SECOND PHASE Publication date of rankings 
First ranking23 June 2025
Second ranking30 June 2025
Third ranking7 July 2025
Fourth ranking14 July 2025
THIRD PHASE    Publication date of rankings
First ranking28 July 2025
Second ranking4 August 2025
FOURTH PHASE Publication date of rankings
First ranking3 September 2025
Second ranking8 September 2025

To find out the enrolment deadlines for each ranking go to the page:

When to enrol

The maximum score you can achieve is 100 and is expressed to the second decimal place.

To enter the programme, in the TOL you sit in the year 2025 you must achieve a minimum score , rounded to the nearest integer, equal or higher than 30/100.

Scoring and assigning of an English OFA

The score is calculated automatically by awarding:

  • 1 point for every correct answer
  • -0.25 points for every incorrect answer
  • 0 points for every answer not given

and awarding

  • 1/3 weighting to each English question
  • 2.6 weighting to each Reasoning, Mathematics and Statistics question
  • 3 weighting to each Verbal Comprehension question
  • 2 weighting to each Physics question

If you would like to know the criteria for calculating your final test score in detail, please refer to Art. 2.5 of the Call for Admissions.

The outcome of your test and the assignment of any OFA (Additional Educational Obligations) will be visible in your Online Services within 15 working days from the date on which you took the test. You will receive an e-mail informing you of the publication.

Go to > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment > Test result and enrolment.
Click on the date you took the test to find out the score details.

English OFA

An English OFA (Additional Educational Obligations) is assigned when, taking into account only the English section, the number of correct answers is less than 24.

Candidates enrolling in programmes delivered in English will automatically be assigned an English OFA.

There are some limitations for the study plan of enrolling students who have been assigned an English OFA.

For more information and how to fulfil English OFAs see the page OFA ENG.

Italian OFA

If you are an international student enrolled in the Three-year Laurea programme (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering - EN,  you must sit an Italian proficiency test and you will be enrolled with an Italian OFA.

You must demonstrate your Italian language proficiency before sitting your final degree exam and finishing your study programme.
Certain categories of students may be exempted from demonstrating their proficiency in Italian.

For more information go to the Italian OFA page.

How the rankings work

Following the first enrolment phase for access to the second enrolment phases, special rankings will be drawn up for allocating the available places, calculated on the basis of enrolments made in the previous phases.

The rankings are based on the best TOL scores, considered to the second decimal place, and recorded within the deadlines , and on the basis of the preferences expressed by all candidates.

The ranking of candidates is established on the basis of their scores and the order of preferences expressed.

In case of a tie in test scores, the highest score achieved in the "Reasoning, Mathematics and Statistics" section of the TOL test prevails; if the tie still persists, the highest score achieved in the "Verbal Comprehension" section prevails; in the case of a further tie, the highest score achieved in the "Physics" section prevails; finally, in the event of a further tie, the youngest student prevails. 



Engineering enrolment involves two phases:

  • First early enrolment phase without ranking
    reserved for students who have achieved alternative SAT or English TOLC- I 2024 test scores rounded to the nearest integer greater than or equal to 68/90 and wish to enrol in the "Civil Engineering" Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme taught in English.
  • Second standard enrolment phase with two rankings
    - for students who took an English TOLC-I 2024 or 2025 with the TOL score converted and rounded to the nearest integer greater than or equal to 27/90 to access the Civil Engineering programme taught in English.
    - for students who took a TOL with a minimum rounded score greater than or equal to 30/100 to access programmes taught in Italian.

Please note that it is always necessary to register in the ranking list.
In each ranking, you may be assigned to a specific programme as follows:  

you are eligible foryour first preferred programme and there are still places available in it > you must enrol.
If you do not enrol you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases

you are eligible fora programme that is not your first preference and still has places available > you may enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express your interest in being considered in the next ranking within the deadline and in accordance with the prescribed procedure, you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases 

you are not eligible for any of your preferred programmes as according to the published ranking, all places available in these programmes have already been assigned to or reserved for other candidates >you cannot enrol and you can express your interest in being considered in the next ranking. If you do not express your interest in being considered in the next ranking within the deadline and in accordance with the prescribed procedure, you will be considered to have withdrawn at the current phase but you may ask to participate in the next enrolment phases

you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in any subsequent phases.

Taking into account the order of the preferences expressed and the score obtained by the candidate, his/her ranking positions will not be processed with regard to the preferences following the one for which he/she is eligible for enrolment. 

Enrolment phases

For enrolment in Engineering, there are two separate enrolment phases.

Publication date of the rankings

FIRST PHASE OF ENROLMENT - EARLY ANROLMENT : without ranking you can enrol from 5 May to 12 June 2025     
SECOND PHASE Publication date of the rankings 
First ranking28 July 2025
Second ranking4 August 2025

For more details about deadlines for each rankings go to the page:

When to enrol