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When to enrol in italian courses

You took the TOL 2024 when you were in the penultimate year

Academic year 2025/2026

You can participate in the enrolment phases described below if:

  • you finished upper secondary school in the 2024/2025 school year
  • when you were enrolled in the penultimate year of secondary school in the school year 2023/2024 and you have sustained:
TestScoresyou can enroloperations you can do:
TOL 2024
TOLC-I 2024 (registered by 7/8/2024)

early phase of enrolment (without ranking)


second, third, fourth phase of enrolment (with rankings)

If you are enrolling in the early phase, go to Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment . You can enrol in any programme you wish. You enrol by paying the first instalment.

If you do not enrol in the early phase, you can request to be included in the rankings for the following phases by accessing Online Services > Three-year and single-cycle degree courses: entry or remedial tests and enrolment > Registration in the rankings and change of preferences.
Registration for the second phase ranking must be made by 11:59 (CEST) on 19 June 2025. Further information.

TOL 2024
TOLC-I 2024 (registered by 7/8/2024)

≥ 30 e < 75


second, third, fourth phase of enrolment (with rankings)

You can improve your score for ranking purposes by taking the TOL or TOLC test in 2025

You can apply for inclusion in the rankings for the following phases by accessing Online Services > Bachelor and Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees: Entry or remedial tests and enrolment > Registration in the rankings and change of preferences.
Registration for the second phase ranking must be made by 11:59 (CEST) on 19 June 2025. More information.

If you instead take TOL 2025 or register TOLC-I 2025, the system will ask you to express your preferences and will simultaneously register you for the second phase ranking.

taken from 1/1/2024 to 5/5/2025 e registered by 5/6/2025)
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Maths sections, ≥ 620 in each of the two sectionsThis alternative test can be used only to access the first early enrolment phase from 5 May to 12 June 2025To enrol in the early phase, go to Online Services > Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment . You can enrol in any programme you wish. You enrol by paying the first instalment.

If you have an alternative SAT  or TOLC-I test certificate, go to the special page.

First phase: early enrolment

You can enrol from 10:30 (CEST) on 5 May until  23:59 (CEST) on 12 June 2025.

This phase is also open to those who have taken a TOLC-I 2024 while in the penultimate year of upper secondary school (2022/2023 school year) or have an alternative SAT test certificate: they must go to the specific page

You can use TOLC-I 2024 test registered in Online Services by 7 August 2024 and SAT test taken from 1 January 2024 to 5 May 2025 and registered by 11:59 (CEST) on 5 June 2025.

Please note that in the early enrolment phase you can enrol in a different programme (and in a different Campus) from the one indicated when you registered for the TOL; you will find information in the enrolment procedure.

Second enrolment stage: standard enrolment

With 4 rolling rankings

If you have not enrolled in the early enrolment phase, you must request to included in the ranking for still available places.

Follow the deadlines and procedures indicated below:

  • Publication of available places: from 10:30 (CEST) on 16 June 2025.
  • Request to enter/change preferences for inclusion in the second phase rankings: by 11:59 (CEST) on 19 June 2025.

You can enter up to five preferences after seeing the remaining available places.
The preferences entered and their order will be considered for all five rankings and cannot be changed.

This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”

In the first ranking list, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 23 June 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 26 June 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.

If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol. You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.

If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase. You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

In the third ranking published from 10:30 (CEST) on 7 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 9 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 9 July 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 10 July 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 10 July 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

In the fourth ranking, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 14 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 16 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme for which you are ‘reserved’ by 23:59 (CEST) on 14 July 2025
- apply for inclusion in the third-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

Third enrolment phase ‘residual places’

With 2 rolling rankings

If you have not enrolled in the second enrolment phase and you want to take part in the third phase, you must apply for being included in the ranking for being considered for the allocation of residual place, according to the deadlines and procedures set out below:

Publication of available places: from 10:30 on 21 July 2025.

Application for inclusion in the third phase rankings: from 10:30 (CEST) on 21 July to 11:59 (CEST) on 24 July 2025.

You can enter up to five preferences after seeing the remaining available places.

This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”

The preferences entered and their order will be considered for both rankings and cannot be changed.

In the first ranking list, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 28 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 30 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 30 July 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 31 July 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol. You may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 31 July 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase. YYou may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
In this case you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

In the second ranking, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 4 August 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 6 August 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme for which you are ‘reserved’ by 23:59 (CEST) on 6 August 2025 (If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase, ou may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.
- apply for inclusion in the fourth-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can apply for inclusion in the fourth-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
In this case you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

Fourth enrolment phase ‘other residual places’

With 2 ranking

If you have not enrolled in the third enrolment phase and you want to take part in the fourth phase, you must apply for being considered for the allocation of residual place, according to the deadlines and procedures set out below:

Publication of available places: from 10:30 on 25 August 2024

Request for inclusion in fourth-phase rankings: from 10:30 on 2 July to 111:59 (CEST) on 28 August 2025.

You can enter up to five preferences after seeing the remaining available places.

This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”.

In the first ranking list published from 10:30 (CEST) on 1 September 2025 you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 3 September 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 3 September 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 4 September 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 4 September 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.

In the second ranking list published from 10:30 (CEST) on 8 September 2025 you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 10 September 2025.

If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase..

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.