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Didactic Activities and Degree Examination

Degree Examination

Academic year 2024/2025

NOTICE: Laurea Magistrale graduation session – December 2024

You must sit for the final exam in order to graduate. Registration for the degree examination is open to students who:

  • meet the proficiency requirements in English language (*) and Italian language
  • have a complete plan of all the credits required by the educational rules of the course
  • have registered their exams in their academic record within the deadlines indicated in the "deadlines" section below

(*) As envisaged for courses in the applicable educational system prior to Ministerial Decree 270 

Preparatory or supplementary activities to the final exam

Preparatory or supplementary activities to the final exam may be required for some programmes. If the preparatory/supplementary activity is included as a share/part of a course, with the recording of the course mark, the associated part must also be registered in the academic record in order to graduate.

Calendar of Degree Examinations and deadlines for registration

Check the academic calendar, the deadlines section and your School or Campus’ website.

How to register 

Attention: It is not possible to proceed with filling out the application if all the sections of the Curriculum Vitae intended for Career Service are not properly filled out.

Through Online Services access the "Registration to final exam" function (which is only active for students who are eligible to graduate in the current academic year) and proceed as follows:

  1. fill out the degree application
  2. fill out the questionnaire on the educational course’s assessment (anonymously and intended for the Ministry)
  3. download the IUV payment form via Online Services (Degree - Final exam > Graduation fee payment form) , only after you have registered for the graduation date to pay: 
    • €62.00 if this is the first time you have registered for the graduation day
    • 16.00 if you have registered for previous dates but failed to graduate
      WARNING: For students who are not up to date with their payments, the amounts due will be added to the above-mentioned amounts; the resulting amount is to be paid by the deadline set for the graduation application

It is not necessary to wait for the recording of the exams to make the payment, which is due even in the case of withdrawal from the graduation date. If not paid, the amount due will be added to the next payment application.

After registration

If you have duly completed the registration process, there may be some tasks that you have to fulfil yourself or others that are the Secretariats’ responsibility. The most common fulfilments for which it is not necessary to contact the Registrar’s Office are:

  • payment of graduation fees, which are due by the deadline set for the registration for the chosen graduation date
  • payment of registration fees, issued together with graduation fees (if due), which are due by the the deadline set for the registration for the chosen graduation date
  • unconfirmed qualification: the Registrar’s Office autonomously makes the necessary requests and reminders
  • new attendances in the second semester: registration is blocked for this session. The tasks will be deemed automatically fulfilled after the second-semester exams of the previous year are properly recorded in the academic career

Contact the Registrar’s Office if:

  • you have entered the graduation exam as a new second-semester attendance for the current year but are graduating in the first semester

All checks in the Registrar’s Office can be carried out up to three to four working days before the graduation exam.

Within the application used to register for the graduation date (item 'Iscrizione/Ritiro esame finale') you may:

  • check if your registration is confirmed. When all possible tasks are fulfilled, the application status will change from 'Presentata' to ‘Confermata’
  • withdraw your registration for the graduation date. In this case, the system warns twice that you are withdrawing and that you can no longer register for the same session

Delivery of dissertations and graduation essays

Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science)

The online submission of the Graduation Essay is not provided to students of the School of Design. A submission may be provided to students of the Schools of Engineering and for the students enrolled into the CCS of Building and Construction Engineering and Architectural Design of the AUIC School, depending on the procedures specified for each single CCS: for further details please refer to the websites of the AUIC School for the CCS of Building and Construction Engineering and Architectural Design, and of the Departments or Campuses for the other Engineering Schools.
The Building and Construction Engineering course of the AUIC School follows all the Engineering CCS' rules.

Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)

The online delivery of the dissertation is always required for students in the Laurea Magistrale programme. The submission of the dissertation’s pdf file must take place after having registered for the degree exam sessions and within the deadline set by the academic calendar, by means of the special Online Services function (Degree - Final exam > Registration to final exam > Thesis upload). The supervisor shall approve the dissertation within the deadline set and always through Online Services.

Students about to graduate are invited to check the institutional e-mail box ( for communications regarding the procedure for the submission/approval of online dissertations.

These rules also apply to students about to graduate from the old educational system, with the sole stipulation that Engineering Students in the Old Educational System who submit coursework or a graduation essay should not submit it online.

For more information: online thesis submission.

How the degree examination takes place

Graduating students are required to turn up for the final exam in the classroom and at the time indicated on Online Services and in the specific notice published on each School’s website.

Schools normally structure graduation day in two distinct stages (the two stages coincide in the case of the AUIC School):

  • presentation and discussion of the Graduation Essay: the final exam of some programmes includes opportunities for discussion and assessment in the days before but, in any case, graduating students must register for the degree exam session normally and must appear before the Examination Committee
  • proclamation: the moment in which the Committee officially announces all candidates’ graduation, with the announcement of the final marks and the conferral of the Degree Parchment 

Degree score

The degree score is expressed using a 110-point scale and is formed by the sum of two elements:

  • the average score obtained in the coursework (weighted on the educational credits, without considering any supernumerary activities and honours)
  • the increment allocated by the Committee

The increment may vary from -1 (minus one) point out of one hundred ten to 8 points out of one hundred ten. For the single-cycle degree (five years) in Architectural Engineering, the increment’s maximum value is equal to 10 points out of one hundred ten. Other limitations relating to the increment may be established by the supplementary regulations of the Schools and Programmes. The sum is rounded to the nearest integer (0.50 is rounded to 1). The degree’s minimum score is 66/110 (60/100 for students in the old educational system). The Committee may also award honours. 

Degree certificate and parchement

The Degree Parchment is conferred on the day of the Degree Exam Date. However, the degree certificate must be requested by the student.

For more information


  • Specific regulation on the degree examination/final exam (on your School's website)
  • Your programme’s educational rules (on your School's website)
  • Submission deadlines, online approval of dissertation, assistance on the libraries website 
  • The list of official photographers is available here
  • The Regulations on access by photographers during final examinations for university degrees 


  • Information on the preparatory educational activity for the final exam is to be requested from the supervising professor
  • Information on the final exam’s organisation is to be requested from the professor, from the Departmental Secretary or from the School you belong to