Laura Fulci
Solid legal background, Specialising Master in Communication and Marketing at LUISS and in Management of European Public Administrations at Bocconi, experience in European affairs gained in Brussels and Luxembourg at the European Commission; Director since 2015, first at the Politecnico di Torino and then at the milanese University. Since 2017 she coordinates the GdL “Research” of CoDAU and is a member of the scientific committee of COINFO. She has led many initiatives to increase funding for research and innovation and to exploit their results. Her leadership is distinguished by a multidisciplinary approach and the ability to build effective networks and collaborations. Her future-oriented vision and passion for the work contribute to make the Area that she manages a reference structure in the national and international scene.
Phone: +39.02.2399.6980 | E-mail
Mission of the Division
Supporting research and innovation strategies
We support strategies for research, innovation, post-graduate training and placement to facilitate the conduct of Politecnico research, the integration of research, innovation and training and their impact on economy and society. We contribute to the creation of an environment conducive to attracting funding and qualified researchers, promote career development for students, doctoral candidates/e, researchers/s and mobility.
Through a network of national and international relations, we act as a trigger for collaboration opportunities in the fields of research, technology transfer, postgraduate training, of Employer Branding by promoting the adoption of strategic agreements with companies and public and private entities. We stimulate research planning, seizing opportunities at national and international level, interacting with funding agencies and research actors. We value and protect research results and encourage entrepreneurship. We guarantee the support of the reputation of the University and financial support through engagement campaigns and fundraising. We promote the employability of students to facilitate the matching between the labor market and graduates by enhancing their skills. We support the development of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in connection with the University’s facilities.
Decree of the Division