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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 06-03-2025 to hour 12:00 on 31-03-2025
Enrollment open
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Language: ITALIAN
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tools
Practical activities Project laboratory Workshop
Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Design degli interni - Interior design e Interior and Spatial Design
Ore in presenza
The call is addressed to students enrolled in the Interiors, Communication and Product degree programs both Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Foreign students may also participate provided they have good knowledge of spoken and written Italian. Also required is good use of the Adobe software package, especially In-Design/Illustrator and Photoshop; good digital and/or freehand modeling skills, two-dimensional (communication) and three-dimensional (spaces and products) design solutions.
N° max studenti
Criteri di selezione
Grade Average; Preference for Master's Degree Students.
Parole chiave:
Design for Inclusion, Design for kids, Participatory design
Communication and presentation skills, Communication design, Interior design, Product design, Service design, Environmental and social sustainability

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

The objective of the workshop is the design of proposals for communication campaigns and outdoor micro-installations aimed at the enhancement of outdoor and threshold spaces, for the promotion of the activity carried out at the hub managed by the social promotion association "Stripes Cooperativa Sociale onlus" as part of the PARIPASSO project, at one of the premises of Villa Tittoni, Municipality of Desio (MB).
The national project PARIPASSO, to grow together" funded by Impresa Sociale Con I Bambini is aimed at children in the 0-6 years age group, with a focus on the first 1,000 days of life, and provides for the realization of territorial pathways, characterized by multidisciplinary interventions able to accompany families and children in actions of care, education and inclusion. The social HUB, offers spaces with high educational density, accessible and connected to a network of integrated services, capable of involving and activating the entire community in a perspective of promoting the culture of children's rights. The activity includes the enhancement and promotion of services and spaces of the association and will be developed through integrated projects in the field of space design, communication and product, elaborated within preliminary meetings at Campus Durando in Milan and field workshops in Desio (MB). The activity aims at designing 'threshold projects' that could qualify and create a relationship between inside and outside, announcing the HUB's existence, adopting a multi-scalar perspective to arrive at the campaign project, which includes punctual exhibit elements and communication/visual systems that promote the hub's activities in the city, also involving the park adjacent to the hub's villa Tittoni headquarters. The project activity will be organized through case study research, which will be followed by concept design, development and partial or complete prototyping of the project.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal April 2025 a May 2025


Lunedì 28 Aprile: Lancio del Passion in Action on-line; a seguire formazione gruppi, ricerca casi studio; proposta iniziale di concept. Online, durata due ore circa
Lunedì 5 e Mercoledì 7 Maggio: Due incontri in presenza della durata di circa 2 ore ciascuno, per la verifica dei casi studio, la selezione e lo sviluppo concept, la definizione degli elaborati finali di comunicazione del progetto, presso il Campus Bovisa, Politecnico di Milano 
Martedì 13 e Mercoledì 14 maggio: Due giornate in presenza dedicate alla verifica dei materiali illustrativi di progetto e lo sviluppo dei prototipi presso una sala di villa Tittoni adiacente all'Hub PARIPASSO
Venerdì 23 Maggio tardo pomeriggio. Evento pubblico di presentazione dei risultati del workshop


Travel costs to reach Villa Tittoni in Desio are the expense of the students.