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Transfers and other specific cases

Laurea (equivalent to bachelor of science) programmes in engineering

Transfers, second degrees, programme shortenings, re-enrolment following withdrawal or exclusion

Academic year 2024/2025


For transfers to the Laurea programme in Construction Engineering-Architecture, see the page on transfers to Single-cycle Laurea programmes in Architectural Design and Construction Engineering-Architecture


You can transfer/shorten your programme/re-enrol:

  • without any obligation to take the entrance test if at least 35 ECTS are validated on your chosen programme; you can complete (by the deadline) the enrolment procedure immediately after the evaluation of your previous academic career;
  • with obligation to take the entrance test if less than 35 ECTS are validated on your chosen programme and if the outcome of the test or the eventual position in the ranking allows you to enrol in your chosen programme.

    In this case, you must follow both the instructions on enrolment and the instructions included below on the evaluation of your previous academic career.

If you are unsure whether you will have at least 35 ECTS validated or if you are unsure whether, even with 35 ECTS validated, you will be included in the planned number of places, we recommend you to take the entrance test to be able to participate in the enrolment phases provided for by the Call. 

International students belonging to the reserved quota (find out what this means) must take the TOL entrance test regardless of the evaluation result.

Deadlines: application submission and publication of results  

Submission of application for evaluation of your previous academic career from 13 May until 29 July 2024
Publication of evaluation on your previous academic career by 10 September 2024
Deadline for acceptance/rejection of evaluation by 16 September 2024 by returning to the application.

Who can apply evaluation  

You can apply for evaluation if:

  • you are a student at another University and wish to transfer to a Laurea programme (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) at our university;
  • you are a student previously studying or graduating from another university abroad and wish to apply for an evaluation of your previous academic career for a programme shortening;
  • you have already graduated or obtained a university diploma from Politecnico di Milano or another university and wish to complete a second degree programme;
  • you had a previous academic career, or will soon end it by withdrawing or because you have been excluded, and you wish to re-enrol in a Laurea programme.

How to apply evaluation  

You can request the evaluation of your previous academic career for a maximum of 3 degree programmes.
You will be required to pay €60.00 for each programme for which you request evaluation. This fee is non-refundable. Once Politecnico di Milano has received said payment, it will no longer be possible for you to change your request for evaluation, as it will be sent to the commission.

Access the Online Services by clicking on the “Three-year and single-cycle Laurea programmes: programme transfers and admission with previous academic career”.
Download and read the Guide to requesting an evaluation of your previous academic career.
The procedure is very simple and intuitive. Follow the screens and carefully read the information shown on each page. You will be asked to enter some information on your previous academic career. We recommend you prepare the following in advance:

  • name of the qualification or partial qualification attained
  • University name
  • last academic year of enrolment
  • your last year on the programme on which you were enrolled
  • enrolment status for the last year (regular, repeating, provisional, off-schedule)
  • academic career closing date
  • reason for closing your previous academic career (withdrawal, exclusion, dismissal)

The application will ask you to request or refuse an academic record evaluation.

A) If you state that you “want evaluation”, this will mean that your previous academic career will be evaluated and you may be recognised as having completed certain courses.

You must enter the courses for which you are requesting evaluation, indicating the following for each of them

  • “SSD” - Disciplinary Scientific Sector (if applicable to your study programme or educational system)
  • the number of ECTS is only specified if applicable to the Study Programme/Educational System
  • course name or part of the name
  • academic year in which the exam was recorded
  • state exam (passed, not passed, Validated/derived from previous evaluation/Eligibility)

It is also necessary to create and upload two different files in PDF format:

-Study plan or transcript of records
-Syllabus of each course unit to be evaluated

Remember to also include exams which you have not yet passed but you intend to take after submitting the request for the evaluation of your previous academic career (to do this, use the “+” button next to the course).

If you have been enrolled at Politecnico (eg you are an excluded student), you will be shown a screen with all of your previous academic career as you entered it.

This information entry process must be completed for each destination programme for which you are requesting admission. If you request an evaluation for three different programmes, you must complete the procedure three times, by clicking on the “New request” button every time.

B) If you state that you “do not want evaluation”: you are declaring that you do not want the exams from your previous academic career to be recognised

This decision cannot be changed at a later date. 

In this case, the only way for you to enrol in a Laurea programme in Engineering is to pass the admission test and be included in any rankings depending on the various enrolment periods.


Until 10 September 2024, you will be able to check the status and potentially the result of your evaluation request by returning to the application.

A board will evaluate which of the requests that meet the above requirements (transfer/programme shortening) can be accepted, taking into account the planned number of places for the 1st year and the academic record indicators (number of ECTS obtained, average score, Test score). The board will also decide which ECTS credits will be recognised as valid for obtaining the Laurea degree.

  • If at least 35 ECTS are validated on your chosen programme, from 24 June to 16 September 2024 you can complete the enrolment procedure immediately after the evaluation of your previous academic career, without having to take the entrance test. 
  • If less than 35 ECTS are validated, enrolment is only permitted through taking the entrance test and if the test result or your position in the ranking allows you to register for your chosen programme.

    In this case, you must follow both the instructions on enrolment and the instructions included below on the evaluation of your previous academic career.

If you are unsure whether you will have at least 35 ECTS validated or if you are unsure whether, even with 35 ECTS validated, you will be included in the planned number of places, we recommend you take the entrance test to be able to participate in the enrolment phases provided for by the Call. 

Once you have viewed the result, you must accept or reject it by 16 September 2024:

  • reject the evaluation result
  • accept the evaluation result

If you have accepted the result of the evaluation of your previous academic career, the exams of your study programme of origin for which you obtained OPTIONAL VALIDATION (see the optional validation column YES with the relative validated exam) can be taken on the exam dates specified in the academic calendar, up until the close date of the your previous academic career or academic career of origin.

The time required to process each evaluation may vary. If you have requested multiple evaluations, the acceptance of one evaluation will automatically invalidate any others.
We recommend that you wait for the results of all evaluations before accepting any of them.

Remember to pay the first instalment and only proceed with enrolment after correctly cancelling your registration on your study programme of origin, so that you are not enrolled on several Laurea Programmes (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) at the same time.

If you are coming from another university or you have already graduated and wish to attain a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) degree or diploma from Politecnico di Milano, you must still obtain at least 60 ECTS from curricular exams at our University, as well as pass the Final Exam and mandatory Traineeship, where applicable.

OFAs (additional education obligations) of English

All students who do not hold one of the English language certificates required by the University are automatically assigned English OFA (additional educational obligations). These OFAs must be fulfilled within the first year of registration at Politecnico di Milano, otherwise it will not be possible to add new courses to the study plan other than those already included upon enrolment.

If, on admission, you submit a Study Plan complete with all the ECTS necessary for attaining the degree, you cannot be admitted to the final exam until you have fulfilled your OFAs of English.